Dr. Tejas Thakkar

Doctors / Zydus Hospitals Ahmedabad
Professional Bio:

I treat all types of orthopaedic ailments though I have special interest in orthopaedic trauma. The spectrum of injuries includes all complex fractures and polytrauma including fixation of pelvis and acetabular fractures, Intra articular fracture and non-union.

I have an interest and passion in treating and managing fractures with best possible advanced methods, minimally invasive technique, which can give maximum outcome with minimum tissue handling.

I got trained in some of World’s largest and busiest tertiary orthopaedic centres and has considerable experience in management of these injuries.

I recognise that these injuries can be devastating and terrifying occurrences and so I aim to provide the patients not only with timely service, but with insight and understanding about their condition, what to expect and what the implications of the injury are.

Medical Education:


College: M.P.Shah Medial college,Jamanagar.

Hospital: Irwin Hospital,Jamnagar

University: Saurashtra University,

1st MBBS Nov-1992, 2nd MBBS April-1994, 3rd MBBS Nov-1995


Stood 3rd in Final (third) M.B.B.S in Saurashtra University and awarded S.M.SEN Gold medal in OB-Gyn.

M.S. (Ortho.):

Passed in Nov-1999 in first attempt.

College: M.P.Shah Medical College Saurashtra University, Jamnagar

Hospital: Irwin Hospital, Jamnagar.

University: Saurashtra University, Gujarat,


1. Orthopaedic: AO Fellowship

I was awarded AO Trauma Fellowship at Kanttosspital, Chur, Switzerland from 13th May to 22nd June 2007.

Learned about basic AO principles as well advanced application of locking plates.

I also learned about management of complex fracture esp. pelvis and acetabulum. Dr Christoph Sommer was the supervisor during the fellowship.

2. OREF-Traveling fellowship

I got selected for the above fellowship during May - July 2005. I visited Hospital for Special Surgery (Supervisor: David Helfet MD) affiliated with Columbia and Cornell University, New York USA & Ranavat Orthopedic center, Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, USA (Supervisor : Chitranjan Rananvat,MD ).

3. 47th International Postgraduate Training Programme in Medicine, Tel-aviv University, Israel.

During this 11 week fellowship, I was working with Orthopedic as well as Trauma department of Beilinson hospital, Rabin medical center, Petah tikva, Israel with Prof Salai Moshe and Dr Michael Stein respectively.

I was exposed to varieties of trauma surgeries mainly as well as cold orthopedic surgeries (assisted and performed).

On many occasions, I got the privilege to be a part of resuscitation team for trauma victims and EMS.

During this I attended the following academic meeting at Israel:

  • A.C.L.S-Advanced Cardiac Life Support course.
  • Annual meeting of Israeli orthopedic association at Tel aviv, 30th nov 1st Dec 2004.
  • AO seminar Locking plates, Tel aviv, 14th Nov, 2004.
  • Symposium on limb lengthening by I.M distractable nail at Haifa, by A.S.A.M.I, Israel. Dr.Dror Paley, 17th Nov 2004.
  • Cadavaric workshop on approaches to acetabulam and pelvis,Tel aviv university,10 th dec,2004.


1. Paraplegia Safari, A Follow-up Programme for spinal cord injury patients (Journal of spinal cord medicine, Vol-27, No. 2, Published by American Paraplegia Society)

2. M M Prabhakar,Tejas Thakker; Anterior Decompression for cervicothoracic pathology-A study of 14 patients Journal of spinal cord medicine Vol-29, No. 2, Published by American Paraplegia Society.

3. P R Patel,DA Patel,T Thakker,K Shah,VB Shah;Tuberculosis of Shoulder Joint, Indian Journal of Orthopedics; Vol37 No.2.

4. MM Prabhakar,Tejas H Thakker;An Unusual Case report: Desmoplastic Fibroma of the lumbar Spine, Indian Journal of Orthopedics; Vol 38 No3.

5. Tejas Thakker,MM Prabhakar,D A Patel;Tuberculosis of sternum Indian journal of Orthopedics Indian Journal of Orthopedics; Vol 39

6. Tejas H Thakker,M M Prabhakar,Dinubahi Patel;Posterior Dislocation of shoulder Indian journal of Orthopedics Indian Journal of Orthopedics; Vol 40 No 1.

7. M M Prabhakar,Tejas H Thakker,Bhavin Jadav;Tuberculosis of lower cervical spine: Journal of the Indian Medical Association ISSN 0019-5847, Volume 105 Number 09.

8. Prabhakar M,ThakkerT;Glenohumral Arthrodesis – Operative and long term functional results, Gujarat medical journal; Vol. 60 No. 2.